miércoles, 11 de noviembre de 2009


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Listening Tools

This page covers the basics, free tools, and more powerful professional listening tools.

Keyword Tools

(via JD Lasica "Keywords and Keyword Marketing"

Monitoring Tools: Basics

Just starting out? Use these four listening tools.

Google Alerts
Google Alerts are email updates of the latest relevant Google results (web, news, etc.) based on your choice of query or topic. You can subscribe through email and RSS. Many people use their RSS readers to view these alerts and PR agencies use alerts to track their campaigns. You can monitor a news story, keep current with your industry and competitors and see who is writing about you.

Technorati, is the largest blog search engine in the world. Technorati tracks “blog reactions” or blogs that link to yours, upon registration. Search for your name on Technorati and subscribe to RSS alerts, so when someone blogs about you, you will know about it.

Twitter Search
The most valuable part of Twitter is using it to listen.

RSS Reader
An RSS Reader will make it very easy for you scan the results of your searches on Twitter, Technorati, and Google Alerts.

Google Reader
There are many other readers - here's a comparison of features from Wikipedia

For tutorials and tips for using your RSS Reader.

A Few More Listening Tools

Going Deeper

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My review of this tool

Powerful Listening Tools

BuzzLogic Insights
Radian 6
Orchestra Platform
Reputation Defender
Sentiment Metrics
Visible Technologies
Brands Eye
Techrigy (review from TechCrunch)

Other Listening tool tips

More Listening Tools

Yahoo Pipes
How Does Your Nonprofit Listen? David Neff, FiSpace

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This page covers the basics, free tools, and more powerful professional listening tools.

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