sábado, 26 de septiembre de 2009

Staying Up, Staring Down - LEMV Airship by Graham Warwick on Aviationweek.com

lisandrocarroll@hotmail.com thought you might like to check out this blog post "Staying Up, Staring Down - LEMV Airship" on AviationWeek.com.

You can view and comment on the post here: http://www.aviationweek.com/aw/blogs/defense/index.jsp?plckController=Blog&plckScript=blogScript&plckElementId=blogDest&plckBlogPage=BlogViewPost&plckPostId=Blog%3A27ec4a53-dcc8-42d0-bd3a-01329aef79a7Post%3A3c0ec60a-4bb5-43d4-b0ff-fefdf0733cb6

Excerpt: " A lot more detail on the US Army's plans to test an unmanned hybrid airship for persistent surveillance has emerged in an updated solicitation for the Long Endurance Multi-INT Vehicle (LEMV) dem... "

lisandrocarroll@hotmail.com also included this personal message:

"A "rapid deflation device" is required to terminate the flight if control is lost, to prevent the aircraft breaching airspace restrictions, or to prevent the sensitive payload falling into the wrong hands."

Best Regards,

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